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Department of Media Studies

A bridge between thinking and practicing media

Combine critical analysis with thoughtful production. The Media Studies Department at VIU is an environment where you can think media, make media, and be the media.

The Department of Media Studies at VIU is unique in Canada. We are innovative and interdisciplinary, aiming to strike a balance between academic theory and hands-on skills-based practice at every stage in your studies. Here our students engage in critical thinking and creative building throughout their four years, with our flexible learning environment enhancing the skills necessary to create, critique, and analyze all types of media. Students become the designers, producers, and distributors of stories they want to tell.

If you are excited by a future in the entertainment arts, digital industries, TV and radio broadcasting, alternative and activist media, social media promotion and marketing, public service and policy work, film and documentary production, web design, the gaming industry, or any combination of the above, then you have come to the right place.

Our program’s success lies in the high level of creative and intellectual engagement and enthusiasm faculty have for the discipline, combined with our engaged commitment to students. Please check out our “Student” page, where you will be introduced to exciting initiatives available for Media Studies students at VIU, in addition to hearing what graduating students from our program have to say about how to successfully navigate your unforgettable undergraduate degree.

Our Student Showcase