School of Athen by Raphael
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Heide Brown: Liberal Studies

Alumna Focus

Heide is a community activist who completed a major in Liberal Studies late in life, with no particular goals related to employment. She expresses her regard for the way Liberal Studies helped her develop a sense of empowerment, which has led her to several initiatives related to education and her community on Gabriola Island:

“The Liberal Studies Program so inspired me that I set up two scholarship-awards to help future Liberal Studies students. I put out $1000/year to honour and encourage women who are over 40 and who are concerned about our world. I believe that Liberal Studies uses the true way of learning, and teaches participants to think rather than to regurgitate the views of a professor.

“I graduated at 58, so I’m not out actively seeking employment. However, the program gave me sufficient confidence in myself to trust my instincts, a lesson that it is never too late to learn. As a result I have used my resources to purchase 25 acres for the community of Gabriola, and am working with the community to figure out how we will use this land and its buildings. Thank you Liberal Studies, and all who encouraged me for all those years.”