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Spring Course Offerings

Vancouver Island University Program Calendar History course descriptions.

HIST102 S25N01The Twentieth Century World: Part IIStephen Davies
HIST102 S25W01The Twentieth Century World: Part IIStephen Davies
HIST111 S25N01Canada to 1867: Contact, Colonies, and EmpiresKatharine Rollwagen
HIST112 S25N01Canada 1867 to 1945: National Expansion in Peace and WarTimothy Lewis
HIST115 S25W01Canadian Women’s History since 1920Cheryl Warsh
HIST120 S25N01Europe in the High and Late Middle AgesKenneth Duggan
HIST122 S25N01Europe, 1789-1914John Hinde
HIST209 S25W01North American Popular Culture from 1970Cheryl Warsh
HIST215 S25N01The Consolidation of Prof. Sport in Canada, 1945 to the PresentTimothy Lewis
HIST224 S25N01Ancient Rome: c.800 BCE-500 CEKenneth Duggan
HIST245 S25N01History of the Second World WarJohn Hinde
HIST255 S25W01The Modern Middle East (1800-present)Murat Inan
HIST269 S25N01Slavery in Premodern History, 500-1800Murat Inan
HIST272 S25N01Animals and Environments in Medieval EuropeKenneth Duggan
HIST301 S25N01Women in the United States since 1900Cheryl Warsh
HIST340 S24N01Work and Workers in Canadian HistoryKatharine Rollwagen
HIST344 S24N01Indigenous Peoples and the Law in CanadaChelsea Horton
HIST346 S24N01Aspects of the Modern: Canadian Values and Ideas in the 20th CenturyTimothy Lewis
HIST361 S25N01Victorian EnglandStephen Davies
HIST401 S25N01Order and Anarchy in 12th Century England Kenneth Duggan
HIST 479 S25N01Topics in Comparative History: Connected Histories of Christianity and Islam, 600-1700Murat Inan