School of Athen by Raphael
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Nancy Jones: Liberal Studies and Anthropology

Alumna Focus

Nancy completed the Liberal Studies major through our partnership program at North Island College in Courtenay, and attended the Nanaimo campus to complete her major in Anthropology. She then went on to the MA program in Integrated Studies at Athabasca University, where, as part of a class project, she was asked to define what for her were the essential qualities of her education in Liberal Studies.

“The Liberal Studies program is rooted in an organic view of education. It embraces community seminar-based learning instead of a hierarchical system of lecture learning. The ideals of the program are entrenched in a return to the quest for “pure knowledge.” Professors encourage students to discover profound moments of epiphany.

“In this way the program feeds an appetite for discovery rather than an obsession with result-based outcomes. The success of each student is measured through relationship with the material and a willingness to support the learning community.”