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Spanish Courses


The option of the Challenge examination is available for students wishing to “challenge” a language course when they feel that they have the necessary proficiency in it, providing their proficiency is equivalent to the requirements of the course challenged. The Challenge exam has the following parts:

  • Written (grammar and vocabulary testing).
  • Oral expression and comprehension.
  • Listening comprehension.
  • Reading comprehension and composition.

The Challenge exam is NOT available for students whose mother tongue is the same as the language that they wish to challenge. For more information on Prior Learning Assessment and the Challenge program, please consult the Prior Learning Assessment department. “Advance standing” without credit may be granted where warranted. Note: Native speakers of Spanish may not take 100-level (or 200-level) Spanish courses for credit, but they can challenge SPAN 300 and SPAN 301. All Spanish courses have a required laboratory component.

Course offerings vary from year to year. Check Generate a Timetable for available course offerings.

Exceptional Placement

In a case where a student's background in Spanish differs from that specified in these course descriptions, or where a student has not taken Spanish for several years, the student's placement must be determined by the Spanish instructor(s).

Students should contact SFU, UBC, or UVic regarding possible credit for Spanish Summer Bursary programs.

SPAN 100 (3) Beginning Spanish I

Students will begin to acquire basic skills in writing, reading, oral expression and comprehension. Emphasis will be placed on essential grammatical structures and the development of communication skills. Suitable for students with no previous Spanish or less than grade 11 Spanish. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: None.

SPAN 101 (3) Beginning Spanish II

A continuation of SPAN 100. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in either Spanish 11 or SPAN 100, or permission of instructor.

SPAN 200 (3) Intermediate Spanish I

An opportunity to improve communication and grammar skills, and gain an enriched cultural understanding of Spanish speaking countries. Students are encouraged to communicate in Spanish during the class, and to participate in social and cultural activities. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in either Spanish 12 or SPAN 101, or permission of instructor.

SPAN 201 (3) Intermediate Spanish II

A continuation of SPAN 200. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in SPAN 200 or permission of instructor.

SPAN 210 (3) Introduction to Hispanic Culture - Spain

An overview of Spanish civilization development from Rome to the 20th-century with focus on the "Golden Age" and spread of Spanish culture to the Americas. Students will acquire a basic understanding of Spanish civilization and culture with insight into historical, linguistic, and artistic context. This course is taught in English. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Second-year standing or permission of the instructor.

SPAN 211 (3) Introduction to Hispanic Culture - Latin America

An overview of Hispanic Latin America from post-colonial to present focused on art, culture and regional language developments. Students will examine how language, culture, nationality, and the intersecting issues of Race, Gender and Class contribute to the development of Latin American cultural identities. This course is taught in English. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Second-year standing or permission of the instructor.

SPAN 230 (3) Introduction to Hispanic Culture and Literature

An introduction to Hispanic culture and literature, using texts from different national, historical and cultural contexts, ranging from classical Spanish to contemporary Latin American. This course is taught in Spanish and all assignments are to be completed in Spanish. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in SPAN 200, or min. "B+" in SPAN 101, or permission of instructor.

SPAN 250 (3) Introduction to Writing in Spanish

This course is for intermediate-level students who wish to develop stronger skills in written communication in Spanish. Students will build skills by analysing texts written by native Spanish speakers, focusing on textual structures and the writing process, in five broad types: description, narration, reporting, argumentation, and exposition. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min "C+" in SPAN 200, or min. "B+" in SPAN 101, or permission of instructor.

SPAN 260 (3) Evolution of Spanish Cinema - Almodovar and the Eighties

In this course students will examine Almodovar's films and his role in the transformation of Spanish cinema from the post-Franco era to the Eighties boom. Our focus will be on how the selected films reveal women's evolving role in Spanish society and their impact on the cultural landscape. (0:3:0)

Prerequisite: None.

SPAN 300 (3) Advanced Spanish I

An advanced study of Spanish language including grammar, conversation, written expression, and comprehension, as well as enhanced cultural understanding. The class is conducted in Spanish and all assignments must be submitted in Spanish. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: SPAN 201.

SPAN 301 (3) Advanced Spanish II

A continuation of SPAN 300. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: SPAN 300.

SPAN 310 (3) Spanish Culture to 1500

A survey of the cultural and artistic evolution of Spain from pre-Roman times to 1500. Major literary and artistic periods will be examined in their socio-cultural framework. This course is taught in English. SPAN 310 was formerly called SPAN 210; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Third-year standing.

SPAN 311 (3) Spanish Culture from 1500 to the Present

A continuation of SPAN 310, from 16th Century Spain to the present, with particular emphasis on the Civil War and post-Franco eras. This course is taught in English. Open to upper-level students in any discipline. SPAN 311 was formerly called SPAN 211; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Third-year standing.

SPAN 330 (3) Hispanic Literature and Literary Analysis

An in-depth study of Hispanic literature, building on SPAN 230. The course will present fiction, poetry, drama, and essay with emphasis on prose. The course is taught in Spanish; all written and oral work will be done in Spanish. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: SPAN 230 and SPAN 301.

SPAN 331 (3) Hispanic Poetry and Poetic Analysis

A continuation of SPAN 330. Focuses on the study of poetry by a variety of Hispanic authors. Students will expand their ability to analyse texts in their social historical and cultural context and to present those analyses both orally and in writing. This course is taught in Spanish. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: SPAN 301 and SPAN 330.

SPAN 417 (3) Special Topics in Hispanic Culture

Topics will vary and may include, but are not limited to mysticism and religious writing, the social and literary impact of Catholicism, and aspects of popular culture. This course may be taken a maximum of 3 times on different topics for credit. This course is taught in Spanish. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Min "C+" in SPAN 301 and a min. "C+" in either SPAN 310 or SPAN 311.

SPAN 437 (3) Special Topics in Hispanic Literature

Topics will vary and may include the analysis of a literary work or works defined by author, by genre, by period, or by region. This course may be taken for credit up to 3 times on different topics. This course is taught in Spanish. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Min "C+" in each of SPAN 301 and SPAN 330.