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French Courses


All French placements and course prerequisites will be verified by the French instructor(s). Students without stated prerequisites will be removed from the class list.

The option of the Challenge examination is available for students wishing to “challenge” a Language course when they feel that they have the necessary proficiency in it, equivalent to the requirements of the course challenged. The Challenge exam will have the following parts:

  • Written (grammar and vocabulary testing)
  • Oral expression and comprehension
  • Listening comprehension
  • Reading comprehension and composition

The Challenge exam is NOT available for students whose mother tongue is the same as the language that they wish to challenge. For more information on Prior Learning Assessment and the Challenge program, please consult the Prior Learning Assessment department. “Advance standing” without credit may be granted where warranted.

Before they can register for French courses, an interview and/or placement exam is required for all students who have been away from French for two or more consecutive years. Contact the French instructor(s). All French courses have a required language laboratory component.

Course offerings vary from year to year. Check Generate a Timetable for available course offerings.

Note 1: Successful completion of FRCH 121, FRCH 122, FRCH 221, FRCH 222, and FRCH 230 will fulfill the lower level requirement for a teaching area in French (B.Ed., Elementary Curriculum, UVic).

Note 2: Students with French as a first language who are literate in French should contact SFU, UVic, or UBC regarding courses at the appropriate advanced level as they cannot obtain credit for 100 or 200-level French courses. SFU/OLA offer a special credit correspondence course (French 199) for these students.

* FSL = French as a second language as opposed to French as a first language.

Exceptional Placement

In a case where a student's background in French differs from that specified in these course descriptions, or where a student has not taken French for several years, the student's placement must be determined by the French instructor(s).

Students should contact SFU, UBC or UVic regarding possible credit for French Summer Bursary programs.

FRCH 100 (3) Beginning French I

An intensive course for students with little or no background in French to develop skills in listening, reading, writing and speaking French. Students build competence in class and required language lab. Not open to students with Grade 11 French or to native speakers. FRCH 100 was formerly called FRCH 102; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: None - but minimum French 8 preferred.

FRCH 101 (3) Beginning French II

A continuation of FRCH 100. Not open to students with French 11. FRCH 101 was formerly called FRCH 103; credit will not be granted for both courses. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in FRCH 100 or permission of instructor.

FRCH 121 (3) Intermediate French I

An opportunity to develop greater oral and written fluency through the study of selections in modern francophone literature with both oral presentation and essay assignments. (FSL*). (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Min. "B+" in French 11 or min. "C+" in French 12. Students with a non-academic background in French should contact the department for assessment.

FRCH 122 (3) Intermediate French II

A continuation of FRCH 121. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in FRCH 121 or permission of instructor.

FRCH 221 (3) French Oral and Written Practice I

Intended for students with a sound basic knowledge of spoken and written French who wish to expand their competencies. Includes oral presentations, essays, language lab, and grammar review. For students intending to major in French or teach French. (FSL*) (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in either French Immersion 12 or FRCH 122, or permission of instructor.

FRCH 222 (3) French Oral and Written Practice II

A continuation of FRCH 221. (3:0:1)

Prerequisite: Min. "C+" in FRCH 221 or permission of instructor.

FRCH 230 (3) Introduction to Francophone Culture and Literature

An introduction to the francophone world through current francophone literature. An opportunity to study texts from one or two representative countries from each of the francophone regions: West Africa, North Africa, Asia, the Middle East, North America, the Caribbean, and Europe, and to discuss their cultural context. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: Min "C+" in FRCH 122, or French 12 immersion, or permission of instructor.

FRCH 300 (3) Critical Analysis and Writing Skills

A course for students who have strong French language skills, designed to expand and improve their competence in written French at the professional and/or academic level: text analysis and commentary, reviews, narrative and descriptive writing, correspondence, and dissertations. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: FRCH 222.

FRCH 301 (3) Oral Expression and Cultural Exploration in French

This course is designed to develop the students' oral abilities in a variety of contexts (formal and informal discussions, debates, and presentations) and to deepen their understanding of French culture through the study of current cultural documents (such as texts, interviews and essays, in audio, video or written form). (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: FRCH 222.

FRCH 320 (3) French Normative Phonetics: Theory and Practice

A theoretical and practical study of French pronunciation and phonetics. Topics include phonetic transcription; corrective phonetics; intonation/accentuation work and practice reading aloud. Some additional individual work in the language lab may be required. Of particular interest to students interested in teaching French or doing translation work. FRCH 320 was formerly called FRCH 220; credit will not be granted for both courses. (2:0:1)

Prerequisite: FRCH 222.

FRCH 330 (3) Development of the Novel in French

A study of the development of the novel form in French from the seventeenth century to the beginning of the twentieth, which will examine changes in form, subject matter, scope, critical reception and reader expectations. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: FRCH 300 (may be taken concurrently).

FRCH 437 (3) Special Topics in French Literature

A study of selected topics in the field of French literature. Topics will vary by semester, and may include but are not limited to: genre studies (theatre, poetry, short story), single authors, selected works, literature in adaptation or translation. This course may be taken for credit on different topics, to a maximum of 3 times. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: FRCH 300 and FRCH 330.

FRCH 437A (3) Special Topics in French Literature: Language Arts

A study of selected topics in the field of French literature. Topics will vary by semester, and may include but are not limited to: genre studies (theatre, poetry, short story), single authors, selected works, literature in adaptation or translation. This course may be taken for credit on different topics, to a maximum of 3 times. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: FRCH 300 and FRCH 330.

FRCH 437B (3) Special Topics in French Literature: Film

A study of selected topics in the field of French literature. Topics will vary by semester, and may include but are not limited to: genre studies (theatre, poetry, short story), single authors, selected works, literature in adaptation or translation. This course may be taken for credit on different topics, to a maximum of 3 times. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: FRCH 300 and FRCH 330.

FRCH 447 (3) Special Topics in French Language

A study of selected topics in the field of French language. Topics will vary by semester, and may include but are not limited to: translation theory and practice, language acquisition, "ancien francais", Canadian French. This course may be taken for credit more than once, on different topics, to a maximum of 3 times. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: FRCH 300 and FRCH 320.

FRCH 447A (3) Special Topics in French Language: Math

A study of selected topics in the field of French language. Topics will vary by semester, and may include but are not limited to: translation theory and practice, language acquisition, "ancien francais", Canadian French. This course may be taken for credit more than once, on different topics, to a maximum of 3 times. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: FRCH 300 and FRCH 320.

FRCH 447B (3) Special Topics in French Language: Fine Arts

A study of selected topics in the field of French language. Topics will vary by semester, and may include but are not limited to: translation theory and practice, language acquisition, "ancien francais", Canadian French. This course may be taken for credit more than once, on different topics, to a maximum of 3 times. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: FRCH 300 and FRCH 320.

FRCH 447C (3) Special Topics in French Language: Translation

A study of selected topics in the field of French language. Topics will vary by semester, and may include but are not limited to: translation theory and practice, language acquisition, "ancien francais", Canadian French. This course may be taken for credit more than once, on different topics, to a maximum of 3 times. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: FRCH 300 and FRCH 320.

FRCH 447D (3) Special Topics in French Language: Phonology

A study of selected topics in the field of French language. Topics will vary by semester, and may include but are not limited to: translation theory and practice, language acquisition, "ancien francais", Canadian French. This course may be taken for credit more than once, on different topics, to a maximum of 3 times. (3:0:0)

Prerequisite: FRCH 300 and FRCH 320.